Press — Third Angle New Music

NOV 21, 2023

Oregon Arts Watch Feature: Audiophiles and music nerds: Third Angle New Music’s Decibel Series

“Final three shows of 3A’s intimate series featured performances by Branic Howard, Yawa, and Methods Body….”

OCT 14, 2023

Oregon Music News Feature: Sarah Tiedemann: Third Angle's 2023-24 season. The Artistic Director gives us a preview / Coffeeshop Conversations @ Artichoke Music #399

“One of my favorite Coffeeshop Conversations guests is here again. She’s Sarah Tiedemann,  Third Angle New Music’s Artistic Director, and also a flutist…”

OCT 11, 2023

Oregon Arts Watch Feature: ‘Something so elastic that it will embrace anything’: Hannah Penn and Maria Garcia with Third Angle New Music

“It all felt very intimate, and yet at times almost as if there weren’t an audience. There was a fourth wall there, but it was a selectively permeable membrane: there were moments where Penn drew us in, and others where we seemed to be just watching a slice of someone’s life, of a woman’s life from a different era, only a century and yet a million years ago. Slipping off the petticoat. Revealing the woman underneath…”

OCT 3, 2023

Travel Portland Mention: Classical Music in Portland

“Pulling the classics into the new age, Third Angle New Music has set out to create the “soundtrack of our time” by commissioning new works by living composers and presenting innovative performances in collaboration with theater companies, sound artists, and performers locally and internationally…”

OCT 2, 2023

Oregon Arts Watch Feature: Language beneath language: Ling Ling Huang with Third Angle New Music

“The author and violinist discussed and demonstrated literature and music at the latest of 3A’s Listening Labs…”

SEPT 28, 2023

Oregonian Feature: Unique Third Angle concert highlights music exploring the queer experience

“In one of the most-unique musical events this fall, mezzo-soprano Hannah Penn and pianist Maria Garcia will present an evening of music (Oct. 4- 5 at Curious Comedy Theater) that addresses the queer experience…”

SEPT 28, 2023

Oregon Arts Watch Mention: On This Harvest Moon

“We leave you with Third Angle New Music’s season opener, vocalist Hannah Penn and pianist Maria Garcia performing October 4 & 5 at Curious Comedy Theater on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Portland. How’s that for a bizarre venue for classical music? Yet it’s perfectly appropriate for a concert program called Slipping Off The Petticoat and described as Penn “channeling her inner Gertrude Stein.”…”

SEPT 8, 2023

Oregonian Mention: Fall arts 2023: Classical season celebrates diversity, modern minimalism

“Two of Portland’s most esteemed classical musicians, singer Hannah Penn and pianist Maria Garcia, perform a song cycle that traces Penn’s own personal journey…”

Sept 4, 2023

Oregon ArtsWatch Mention: Music is Work

“Meanwhile, over in the “classical” world, Third Angle New Music and Fear No Music both start their seasons this month. That’s a bit of a misstatement in 3A’s case: They’ve been doing their informal Listening Labs and Decibel Series all summer long, and those continue this month with violinist-author Ling Ling Huang on the 9th and sound genius Branic Howard on the 17th. The season proper starts next month with Oregon’s Greatest Living Singer, Hannah Penn – but we’ll get back to the petticoats in October…”

July 26, 2023

Oregon ArtsWatch Mention: Kudos

Third Angle New Music scored a $20,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to support commissioning new compositions to be premiered in the Portland new music organization’s 2024-5 season…”

Photo by David Bates

May 23, 2023

Oregon ArtsWatch Feature: Third Angle takes flight at the Evergreen Aviation Museum with ‘1000 Airplanes on the Roof’

“The Portland-based ensemble performs Philip Glass’ science-fiction music drama under the Spruce Goose as the finale to its season exploring the human mind…”

May 20, 2023

Oregon Public Broadcasting Feature: Rare music composition ‘1000 Airplanes’ to be performed under Spruce Goose in McMinnville

“This weekend, you can watch a performance of a piece by the composer Philip Glass while sitting under the tail of Oregon’s iconic Spruce Goose airplane. The piece is called “1000 Airplanes on the Roof.” And according to Third Angle New Music, the organizers of the concert, the one act sci-fi melodrama has rarely been performed in full…”

May 16, 2023

Portland Tribune Feature: Spruce Goose the setting for Third Angle Music's next concert

“Melodrama '1000 Airplanes on the Roof' performed beneath behemoth creation…”

Photo by Dayna Szyndrowski

April 6, 2023

Stir Vancouver Feature: Vanessa Goodman and Caroline Shaw’s Graveyards and Gardens loops and echoes its way back to the live stage

“The immersive sound-and-dance piece has hit symphony and skateboard spaces before circling back to Vancouver—lamps, amps, and all…”

Portrait of Machado Mijiga

March 17, 2023

Oregon ArtsWatch Mention: MusicWatch Mid-monthly: Between form and formlessness

“Another unclassifiable musician joins the ever-growing Third Angle New Music roster on the 19th. From one angle, Machado Mijiga looks like a classical saxophonist; from another angle, he looks like a jazz drummer; from a third angle he looks like a producer-composer-beatsmaster…”

March 23, 2023

Oregonian Mention: Portland’s spring classical concerts showcase music by women and composers of color

“The alien abduction insanities (or are they?) related in composer Philip Glass and playwright David Henry Hwang’s multimedia “science fiction music drama” may seem quaint in these days of deadly right-wing conspiracies allegedly involving infant blood-quaffing pedophiles…”

Jan 31, 2023

Oregon Arts Watch Mention: New Music USA seeds new music in Portland

“Chosen from among 47 applicants, the recipients will be familiar to readers who’ve followed ArtsWatch’s long and extensive commitment to covering homegrown new music: Albina Music Trust, Big Mouth Society, Fear No Music, Montavilla Jazz, Opera Theater Oregon, Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble, REBELWISE, Resonance Ensemble, Third Angle New Music, World Stage Theatre...”

Jan 31, 2023

OPB Think Out Loud Feature: Third Angle’s ‘Self Portrait’ puts spotlight on musicians’ mental health

“The pandemic relegated many people’s professional lives to the internet — water-cooler conversations and lunches with coworkers became meetings over Zoom and group chats on Microsoft Teams. And for creative professionals like musicians and artists, that isolation was even more pronounced…”

Jan 1, 2023

Oregon Arts Watch Mention: Resolving from overexposure to relaxation

“The first is the Third Angle concert with Andy Akiho, the first of their Decibel Series at Decibel Sound and Drink in Milwaukie. These shows are more casual not just in setting but in vibe: you can eat or drink at these happy hour shows, and even have a nice quiet chat like at a jazz club…”