Upcoming Shows

People into Trees | April 16 & 17, 2025

Portland Percussion Group

The Portland Percussion Group is Portland’s own percussion chamber ensemble. The group formed in 2011 to invigorate new music in the city and the greater Northwest, and since then has become a mainstay in the contemporary music space in Portland. After ten years as a quartet, in 2021 the group expanded to a collective of eight members, incorporating a wider range of performers and backgrounds. To date, the PPG has worked with composers to create over 60 new works for percussion quartet and continues to look for ways to develop new sounds, explore new spaces, and engage new audiences. Recent engagements include appearances at the GAIDA Festival (Lithuania), nienteForte Contemporary Music Festival, the Northwest Percussion Festival, Makrokosmos Project, the National Association of Composers National Conference, New Music Gathering, and collaborations with Resonance Ensemble and pianists DUO Stephanie and Saar. The ensemble maintains an ongoing relationship with Tapspace Publications, resulting in a number of new published works by emerging composers.

The Portland Percussion Group also extends into educational outreach through involvement with young percussionists in our region and the creation of new educational opportunities for developing percussionists.  The PPG frequently presents clinics and workshops at universities throughout the Northwest and United States on the topic of chamber percussion repertoire and performance as well as maintaining an ongoing involvement with the Portland Summer Percussion Academy
