Please pass this along to any music educators!

Third Angle New Music is teaming up with mental health professional and cellist Galen Cohen to put on a series of zoom workshops for music educators. These workshops are designed to equip educators with resources to support students navigating mental health issues. The series is linked to our winter concert, Self Portrait, which puts mental health front and center with testimonials from professional musicians about their personal experiences.

The goals of these workshops are to help music educators build a network of support with others who are working in similar contexts, as well as provide strategies for teaching students who are in distress and require support far beyond the parameters of the lesson. There will be two sessions for 6-12th grade educators and two sessions for College/University/Private educators. Each session will cover different topics and we encourage educators to sign up for both sessions in the series of their student age group.

Funding for these workshops comes from the Arts Builds Community Grant through Oregon Arts Commission, allowing us to offer these sessions completely free of charge. Please click below to register. Registration is FREE, but required so that we can have an accurate headcount going into each session. You may add a donation to support 3A at checkout if you choose.


6th-12th Grade Educators Sessions:

February 11, 1pm
February 18, 1pm


College/University/Private Educator Sessions:

February 26, 4pm
March 5, 4pm